Scott Hamilton – Episode 2 | Pivotal People

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Today we’re having a fun discussion with the Olympic skater, Scott Hamilton–an eternal optimist who has overcome many obstacles on his path to success.  Between 1981 and 1984 he won four consecutive U.S. championships, four consecutive World Championships, and a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. He captured the world’s attention with his Olympic gold medal skating performances and has since shared his love and enthusiasm for the sport of skating as an analyst/commentator, performer, producer and best-selling author of many books including Finish First and The Great Eight.  He inspires millions of people as a motivational speaker, humanitarian, and cancer survivor. 

I read his book “Finish First” and recommend it to everyone.  Scott’s attitude toward life is contagious, and his stories both entertain and motivate the rest of us.

After losing his mother to cancer and becoming a survivor himself, Scott turned activist and launched the “Scott Hamilton Cares Foundation.”  which raises millions of dollars for cancer research.  His motto is “the only disability is a bad attitude” and in today’s conversation he shares his insight–with his sense of humor–to inspire all of us to live more intentional lives.

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